Design project - yoga wear, Chak 7 Apparel / by Jessica Walker

I am currently designing for Chak 7 apparel which is a New York based brand focusing on yoga apparel. I really love the style and aesthetic of the direction they give me. We have played around with a couple of mesh options but went for a sleek striped mesh which works so nicely up the thigh. It not only looks cool but is really breathable and the fabric is super form fitting. 

At the moment the collection is purely leggings and a long sleeve top with the plan to branch out.  Sometimes it can be hard to come up with original and great looking legging designs. The Ath-leisure market is becoming seriously over crowded with every client wanting the same thing. As a brand you really do need a special need something unique to stand out. So it does become harder as a designer to think of the next great look. Stepping out of your office to walk around a city is really beneficial if you want to stay motivated and keep updated with what people are wearing on the streets. It is really important to do this as a freelancer and not become stale within your surroundings!

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